"Specialists in American Flyer Trains & S-Gauge Railroading"
888-708-0782 (from US only)
978-465-8798 (International)
Phone calls: 2-5 PM Eastern
Time, Tue-Thu only
We carry a limited number of choices in new transformers, because most available units are not suitable for the power needs of the larger scales (S, O, and G scales). We have experience with the following units, but they are not all easy to keep in stock, so it is wise to inquire before you order. In addition, you will find original used American Flyer and Lionel transformers on the "TRANSFORMERS " Sales Category inventory.
The MRC "Throttlepack AC100"
Single-control AC transformer: 100 watts of continuous AC power, no slowdown, no hesitation when the bell or whistle are activated.
DC Powerpack from MRC: #9950
125-watt single-control.
Has Momentum, Brake, and Direction control buttons, and 15-18 volt DC Accy Post.
The MRC "Throttlepack AC" Model 1301
Single-control AC transformer with built-in Bell-Horn-Whistle control buttons designed to operate with sine wave circuitry. As a result, locomotive sound systems of all brands should operate with these controls ! Additionally, the Power-Boost button provides a quick burst of power when needed, such as on an incline.
The MRC PurePower 135-watt Single Control AC.
Includes whistle and bell controls.
Several in stock, new or used.
The MRC Pure Power Dual AC delivers
270 watts of AC power to your layout.
Includes whistle and bell controls, dual ammeters and dual voltmeters.
The MRC "Power G" 10-amp PowerPack,
for DC operation and plenty of power!
American Models new AC Transformer, with Sound Controls
Used American Flyer transformers can range from small 25-watt to 40-watt units, suitable for dedicated use running accessories, or small circular or oval layouts with no accessories attached, to large single or dual units with up to 350 watts of power.
Here are some examples of original A.C. Gilbert American Flyer transformers.
6 Storeybrooke Drive
Newburyport, MA 01950-3408
Email Doug
888-708-0782 (from US only)
978-465-8798 (International)
Phone calls: 2-5 PM Eastern
Time, Tue-Thu only
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