"Specialists in American Flyer Trains & S-Gauge Railroading"

6 Storeybrooke Drive

Newburyport, MA 01950-3408
Email Doug

My Monthly Availability Calendar

888-708-0782 (from US only)
978-465-8798 (International)
Phone calls: 2-5 PM Eastern
Time, Tue-Thu only




Several years ago, we produced a line of over 100 quality rubber-stamps for use in restoring your American Flyer trains and accessories. These stamps were produced by photographing the original lettering on the American Flyer piece of equipment. The photo was then enlarged on computer, "cleaned-up", and then reduced back to original size to produce crisp artwork for the rubber stamp. One cannot produce a more-accurate stamp than these! 

Although rubber stamps are the closest process to original lettering, be aware that it is unlikely it will result in as high a quality print as original, because originals were pad-printed by machine. That process has strict controls over placement, pressure, and amount of ink applied. Rubber stamping cannot accurately control any of those.

An alternative to rubber-stamps is our line of DRY-TRANSFER ("rub-on") lettering.

Shown here are actual re-stampings done on an early Royal Blue repainted boiler and tender.

SAMPLES (not to correct size)
(NOTE: Images appear fuzzy due to enlargement for web page purposes.)


(Please order by stamp-number, as there are size/style variations in some items.)

  The following available stamps are $5.00 each. Note variations.

NOTE: There are many gaps in the stock-numbers listed below. That is because of SOLD-OUT stamps.

SE-1 // 283

SE-4 // 300

SE-7 // 303

SE-8 // 307

SE-9 // 310 (a)

SE-14 // 314 AW

SE-15 // 315

SE-16 // 316

SE-17 // 321

SE-21 // 322 AC

SE-22 // 324 AC

SE-23 // K325

SE-24 // 325 AC

SE-26 // 332 AC

SE-27 // 332 DC

SE-28 // 334 DC

SE-31 // 342

SE-32 // 342 AC

SE-33 // 342 DC

SE-35 // 346

SE-36 // 350 (late)

SE-37 // 353

SE-38 // 21004

SE-39 // 21005

SE-40 // 21099

SE-41 // 21115

SE-42 // 21129

SE-43 // 21130

SE-44 // 21139

SE-45 // 21140

SE-46 // 21145

SE-47 // 21155

SE-48 // 21156

SE-49 // 21158

SE-50 // 21160

SE-51 // 350 (early)

SE-52 // 295

SE-54 // 332 (late) (i)

SE-55 // 433 (HO 0-6-0)



(a)  (3 mm x 10 mm)

(b) (5 mm x 12 mm)


(c) (4 mm x 12 mm)

(d)  (5 mm x 12 mm)


(e) (5 mm x 10 mm)

(f) (5 mm x 14 mm)

(g)  (4 mm x 14 mm)


(h) Early = 1946 through early1948.

Same stamp for cab and # boards.

(i) Late = Late 1948.

The following available stamps are $5.00 each. Note variations.

C-1 // 65

C-2 // 627

C-3 // 634

C-4 // 635

C-5 // 650

C-6 // 714

C-7 // 715

C-8 // 716

C-9 // 717

C-10 // 914

C-11 // 934

C-20 // 633

C-21 // 933

C-29 // 953

C-30 // 955

C-31A // 655

C-51 // 945

The following available stamps are $8.00 each.

SE-105 // PRR keystone logo used on 21004 and 21005 tenders.

SE-107a // NICKEL PLATE ROAD logo used on 1948 0-8-0 tender (no square outline).

SE-108 // CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN LINE herald logo used on most Pacific tenders.

SE-109 // NY-NH-&-HARTFORD RR script logo used on 293 and 21099 tenders.

The following available stamps are $8.00 each. 

SE-115 // AMERICAN FLYER LINES // Used on: 21004 and 21005 tender; (3 mm x 48 mm)

SE-117 // THE ROYAL BLUE // Used on: later 350 Royal Blue; block-lettering.(ONLY ONE LEFT !)

SE-121 // "READING" // Used on: 1946 Atlantic tenders

C-15 // AMERICAN FLYER CIRCUS (4mm x 125 mm) // 649 Circus coach

C-22 // NEW HAVEN (3 mm x 54 mm) // 650 NH coaches.

C-24 // (Car data; One stamp contains all the car data.) // 633/933 B&O boxcars.

SE-122 // AMERICAN FLYER (4mm x 66mm, block-style; "M" has sloped legs. // Very close to 334DC

SE-124 // AMERICAN FLYER LINES // Block-style letters; (3 mm x 82 mm) Used on: Atlantic plastic tenders.

SE-128 // "NICKEL PLATE ROAD"  // Used on: 1946 0-8-0 tenders, & prewar O.

SE-129 // "PENNSYLVANIA" // 433 HO 0-6-0 tender

C-31 // AMERICAN FLYER LINES // Block-style letters; (2 mm x 142 mm) Used on: 952 pass car

C-32 // AMERICAN FLYER LINES // Block-style letters; (3 mm x 140 mm) Used on: 953-954 pass cars

C-33 // NIAGARA FALLS // Used on: 953 pass car

C-34 // PULLMAN  (4mm x 64mm; serif-style) // 652-653-654 pass cars

C-35 // "CLOSE & LOCK DOORS/BEFORE MOVING CAR" // Reefer doors

C-36 // INDUSTRIAL BROWNHOIST // 644-944 boom

C-37 // AMERICAN FLYER / 644 // 644 crane cab

C-38 // AMERICAN FLYER / 944 // 944 crane cab

C-43 // MISSOURI PACIFIC // Block-style letters; (4 mm x 50 mm) Used on: MP cattle cars (629 etc)

C-44 // M. P. / 929 (two lines) // Used on: 929 MP cattle car

C-45 // NMH / BLT 6-51 (two lines) // Used on: Freight cars

C-46 // NMH / BLT. 6-31 (two lines) // Used on: Freight cars

C-47 // MISSOURI PACIFIC LINES (circular logo) // Used on: MP cattle cars (629 etc)

C-48 // READING / 630 (two lines) // Used on: 630 Reading caboose

C-49 // AMERICAN FLYER LINES / 930 (two lines) // Used on: 930 caboose

C-50 // ROCKET LAUNCHER // Flat car sides

C-52 // 37 TH // 25056 USMC flat car sides

C-53 // DIV // 25056 USMC flat car sides

C-54 // PULLMAN  (3 mm X 74 mm); block-style. // 661-662 cars, plastic

C-55 // BAGGAGE  (3 mm X 73 mm); block-style. // 660 Combine, plastic

The following available stamps are $8.00 each.

D-1 // SANTA FE // Serif-style letters; smaller print; (3mm x 50 mm) [Later 470 series diesels]

D-2 // SANTA FE // Serif-style letters; larger print; (4 mm x 52 mm) [360 series diesels]

D-3 // AMERICAN FLYER // 2 lines, within outline 

D-4 // BUILT BY GILBERT // Two lines (5 mm x 15mm); Santa Fe diesels  [Later 470 series diesels]

D-5 // NEW HAVEN // 494-495-497-21561 NH PA diesels

D-7 // AMERICAN FLYER // 477-478-479-480-481 Silver Flash diesels.

D-9 // AMERICAN FLYER LINES // Early 470-471-473 Santa Fe diesels. (3 mm x 83 mm; non-serif)

D-10 // MISSOURI PACIFIC // Serif-style letters; (4 mm x 108 mm)

D-11 // BUILT BY GILBERT // Two lines (5 mm x 10mm); 21920 MP diesel

The following available stamps are $5.00 each.

D-21 // 475
D-22 // 477

D-23 // 478
D-24 // 479
D-25 // 481

D-26 // 494
D-27 // 495

D-28 // 355

D-29 // 21920

ACCESSORY LETTERING:  The following available stamps are $5.00 each. 

A-1 // MYSTIC // Mystic Station roof signs

A-2 // DELAWARE & HUDSON/ LCL // 916 canisters

A-3 // LCL CORP / AIR-ACTIVATED // 916 canisters

See C-12 above // AMERICAN FLYER LINES // Various uses

A-4 // GUILFORD // 766 Animated Station sign

A-5 // EXIT // 766 Animated Station signs

A-6 // BOOTHS FOR LADIES // 767 Branford Diner

A-7 // TELEVISION EVERY NIGHT // 767 Branford Diner

A-11 // Door outline for 771 Stockyard // 771 & K771 Stockyards

The following available stamps are $9.00 each. 

C-17 // WESTERN ELECTRIC // 936 reel-face

C-18 // AMERICAN FLYER / 636 // 636 reel-face

A-8 // ERECTOR CONTROL BOX // Erector set control buttons

A-9 // STEAKS - CHOPS // 767 Branford Diner

C-19 // WORLDS GREATEST SHOW!! // 649 Circus coach

C-25 // AMERICAN FLYER LINES / 936 // 936 reel-face

A-10 // "AMERICAN FLYER CONTROL BUTTON", etc // Early flat, bakelite control button top

C-39 // "GILBERT'S PAST. GRADE A MILK" // 973 and 25019 Oper. Milk cars (left side of door)

C-40 // Hood Milk logo, and "973" // 973, right side of door

C-41 // Hood Milk logo, and "25019" // 25019, right side of door


The following available stamps are $8.00 each. 

PW-1 // 3020 / A.F.M.C. // 3020 pre-war engine

PW-2 // MOTOR / 1270 // 1270 pre-war engine

PW-3 // AMER. FLYER LINES  (3 lines) // 1270 pre-war engine

PW-5 // 531 // Engine cab number

PW-6 // 559 // Engine cab number

PW-8 // 572 // Engine cab number

PW-9 // 1218 // 1218 pre-war engine, ends

PW-10 // AMERICAN FLYER LINES // Gilbert 3/16 tenders (e.g, #565 Atlantic tender)


Available in the following colors

White; Silver; Black; Yellow; Red.

These inks are appropriate for non-porous metal or plastic surfaces, and do
not require baking. However, they do require 3 days to fully dry.   Drying time can be shortened by baking (metal only), at 320-degrees for 30 minutes. 

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