"Specialists in American Flyer Trains & S-Gauge Railroading"

6 Storeybrooke Drive

Newburyport, MA 01950-3408
Email Doug

My Monthly Availability Calendar

888-708-0782 (from US only)
978-465-8798 (International)
Phone calls: 2-5 PM Eastern
Time, Tue-Thu only




As of January, 2023, I am no longer accepting any repair work, or can-motor conversions.

Listed below are some repairmen willing to accept repair work directly from individuals.

I can recommend them all, but you should contact them first regarding your repair needs.

Please note their locations, and call only at appropriate hours!

Bill Sheneman  (NV);   EMAIL ONLY:    sflyercrazy@aol.com; 

(AF repairs, electronic & can-motor conversion installations),;

Dwight Fetterhoff  (PA);    717-606-3582;    (no email);  (Gilbert AF repairs only)

Harry Zeek   (FLA);   321-505-9151;   harryzeek@gmail.com; (postwar, & some prewar repairs).

Ed Goldin  (IL); 847-727-0857;  customercare@goldinhands.com;  (Lionel-AF, SHS/MTH/A.M. repairs; TMCC installations; etc----no DCC).)

 Mick Blidy (IL);  mwbele1999@aol.com;  708-705-2321; (former Scenery Unlimited AF repairman)

Thank you for considering me, and using my repair services in the past.  It is time to slow down.

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